Wasser in einem Brunnenrohr

Monitoring of groundwater measuring points

The measuring point service offers the qualitative and quantitative measurement of groundwater within the framework for quality management of the German Accreditation System for Testing.

State assessment of Groundwater Measuring Points

We offer mobile camera systems which allow an optical inspection including the inside wall and filter slots, due to the equipped swiveltype lens.

Activation of Groundwater Measuring Points

Thus far, the conventional methods of measuring point regeneration contained only the intensive pump out of water and dissolved sediment via airlift procedure. With the development of a small sized impulse generator, an efficient and successproven well regeneration method is also applicable for measurement points.

Schlauch, aus dem Wasser in einen überlaufenden Behälter läuft
Hände einer Person, die mit einem Schlauch Wasser in Labor-Flaschen abfüllt