Wells Treatment
Preventive iron-clogging actions
In the early 1960´s, Berliner Wasserbetriebe started to have a focus on well aging. Literature and field research revealed iron and manganese accumulating bacteria as mainly responsible for that issue (Kremmsche, 1972). Field experiments confirmed that iron clogging is containable or either preventable with a timely application of specific germicides.
After this significant finding, about 90 wells have been successfully treated with sodium hypochlorite in 1964. The introduction of a special cleaning vehicle in 1971 ensured that 206 wells could be treated monthly. This procedure made the, at this time common and ecounfriendly hydrochloric acid treatments at that time superfluous. Empirical studies in the area of Berlin revealed an efficient treatment cycle
Beside such treatment, the wells were conventionally regenerated every 5 years.In 1997, due to the fact that hygienically doubtful chlorinated hydrocarbons occur as a by-product, hydrogen peroxide was introduced as a treatment agent. This agent has, besides the disinfecting effect, a better environmental compatibility due to its oxidative characteristics. The applied dilution (<5%) ensures a safe handling.
After calculating the required amount, a specialized cleaning truck treats the wells within a regular cycle. This elaborate appearing process is scientifically and practically confirmed and an essential and well value retaining maintenance procedure.