History of pigadi GmbH
Tradition in water production
In 1898 the Berlin Waterworks built their first two deep wells and three years later the first well field comprising 72 wells. Due to the steadily increasing water consumption and the simultaneous reduction of water extraction from surrounding lakes, the demand for further wells grew constantly over the following years.
In 1949, the Berlin Waterworks operated a total of 900 gravitational exploited water wells, which later on became equipped with submersible pumps.
Between 1953 and 1955, three horizontal collector wells were added to Berlin’s water supply system. During this time, Berlin Waterworks were the first institution known to dedicate their efforts into the cause research on well aging mechanism as well as the development of well regeneration and remediation methods. Based on this, the German Federal Ministry of the Interior commissioned the Berlin Waterworks to develop the first groundbreaking study (Civ. Eng. Krems) on the causes of well aging.
During the mid-seventies, hydromechanical methods for well rehabilitation started to substitute the use of chemicals, which had come into the discussion due to the increased environmental awareness. However, mechanical regeneration methods as known at the time could only slow down the well aging process to an insignificant extent.
Development of own procedures
In the course of optimizing well diagnostics over many years, Berlin Waterworks developed the Shockblasting® technology in the early nineties. This technology became widely spread due to producing very good results. In addition to this, the well rehabilitation technology was decisively extended by the Inlineshock® application in mid-nineties.
Ever since 1996, the independent division of Berlin Waterworks for water production, well servicing and groundwater monitoring has successfully marketed its expertise in numerous national and international assignments. For the special necessities in horizontal collector wells, Berlin Waterworks patented a scheme enabling the deployment of the Shockblasting® and Inlineshocking® method for such kind of wells.
In connection with further research works related to well ageing patterns correlated to geochemical and biological processes in 2000, the above mentioned division of Berlin Waterworks was able to round off its range of services with an impulse generating technology named hydropuls®.
Due to the partial privatization of the Berlin Waterworks, this division has been operating under the name pigadi GmbH ever since January 1st, 2001 and is thus the experienced and reliable service provider for the wells of the Berlinwater Group and a wide number of industrial, institutional and public companies throughout the world.
Entwicklung eigener Verfahren
In langjähriger Optimierung der Brunnendiagnostik entwickelten die Berliner Wasserbetriebe Anfang der neunziger Jahre die Technologie des Sprengschockens®, die aufgrund ihrer sehr guten Resultate breit eingesetzt wurde. Ergänzend dazu erweiterten sie 1995 die Regenerierungstechnik entscheidend um das Verfahren Inlineschocken®.
Seit 1996 vermarktete der eigenständige Fachbereich Wassergewinnung, Brunnen- und Messstellenservice der Berliner Wasserbetriebe dieses Know-how national und international erfolgreich in zahlreichen Einsätzen.
Für die besondere Situation in Horizontalfilterbrunnen patentierten die Berliner Wasserbetriebe 1997 eine Vorrichtung zum Einsatz der Verfahren Sprengschocken® und Inlineschocken® für diesen Brunnentyp.
Im Zusammenhang mit einem weiteren Forschungsvorhaben im Jahr 2000, in dem es um geochemische und biologische Prozessstudien zur Brunnenalterung ging, konnte der Instandhaltungsbereich Wassergewinnung der Berliner Wasserbetriebe seine Angebotspalette mit dem Verfahren hydropuls® abrunden.
Im Rahmen der Teilprivatisierung der Berliner Wasserbetriebe firmiert dieser Geschäftsbereich seit dem 1.Januar 2001 unter dem Namen pigadi GmbH und ist damit der erfahrene und zuverlässige Servicepartner für den Bereich Brunnen der Berlinwasser Gruppe.